My base line pulse was 92 bpm and my respirations were 14 per minute.
The First activity that I did was 10 situps, the second activity I did was 10 jumping jacks, and the third activity that I did was 10 push-ups.
How Do I think my ,etabolic rates will compare to my baseline rate after:

Here is a graph showing the results from the actvities

Project Analysis
For the first activity I hypothesiized that my pulse would be at 94bpm and my respirations would be at 18. I was correct for the pulse but I was one off for respirations, they were slower than I hypothesized.
For the second activity I hypothesized that my pulse would be 98/bpm and respirations would be 20. They were quite a bit lower for both pulse and respirations.
For the third activity I hypothesized that my pulse would be 93bpm and my respirations would be 17. I was correct about the pulse but the respirations were higher.
This exercise tells me that 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups cause you to exert about the same amount of energy, jumping jacks took the least amount of energy.
Celina Smith
Thanks for your honest self-eval. I think you’re right about more time to be sure you get all the assignments done as they should be. The work you’ve done clearly shows you have the ability to understand this material and present it…just a question of time!
The compendiums are really more like lists. I’m not sure if they are outlines in a word processor that then get posted without any formatting. You want to include images and try to reduce the lists to general topics that I can follow. I can see that what you have is incredibly compelte and organized…it’s just hard to follow along and missing the graphics that would realy bring them to life.
This lab is great. Questions all answered and the data graph presented in your blog.
This lab is also very complete with good analysis and interesting…distribution of calories—pretty close to percentages that are recommended.
Nice job on presenting data and analyzing. Be sure you follow all the instructions for the lab project. This one asked for a hypothesis, photos of you doing the activities, measurements of blood pressure (to be taken at a local pharmacy) and then an analysis of the data based on those hypothoses, including what might have been improved about the experiment.
ESSAY—EATING. Not posted.
Celina. Nice job on the labs for this unit. I can tell you are reviewing all the material and have a very thorough appreciation for what the material for these topics. I think, as you say in your self eval, you just need to pace thigns better to be sure to get a well-organized compendium and all the other details from lab project and ethics issue in place.
Get a good quick start on unit three!
I was suppose to answer these questions for the essay but I did not see it. :0( But I thought you did a great job on all the work that you completed!
What are the two best features of the essay?
What are the two things that could most be improved?
What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon?
What most surprised you in the essay?
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